我永远忘不了,当我还是在即鼓手的时候,某个夜晚,教练每次跟我传最后一封简讯都会说:"love you son." 当时的感觉是很温馨的,你让我深刻地感受到温暖,你就像是我的亲人一样。后来,我们的距离被拉开,但关系也没有因此而改变,感情日渐增值。尽管多忙碌,你还是如此的关心我,依然不变的那句"love you son." 然而到了今天,这句话依旧荡漾在耳边、在脑海里,此刻回忆浮现,成为了深刻的烙印。看到了这一页,我有全新的感想。我想我是明白你指的「爱」的定位是什么。这种只求付出不计回报的爱,是伟大、美丽的爱。你让我重新了解爱的定义。很多人说爱就要无条件的付出,同时也没有人希望自己付出了不被关心,想爱却又害怕受伤害,所以就不断的拿捏付出的尺度。同样的,虽然这个「爱」有别于男女之情,可是得不到对事情耗尽心血之后的回报,心里清楚了解自己不应该有这样的想法,但却也因为心中早已有了期盼,所以难免会有些失落。
Friday, June 28, 2013
这些话,让人有一股很想哭,很想冲向前拥抱一个人的冲动。每次听完你这样说,都会一鼻子酸,不知所措。我想亲口跟你说,谢谢你无微不至的关心。我真的很感激,有你这份无私的爱 :')
Thursday, June 20, 2013
我很感激去年的分享会,它就像是一个深刻的画面,烙印在脑海里。我想我这辈子是太幸福才会遇到你们的吧。永远珍惜身边的人,因为我们无法保证明天的醒来,还会不会见到他们。Live for today, because tomorrow is not promised.
我很感激去年的分享会,它就像是一个深刻的画面,烙印在脑海里。我想我这辈子是太幸福才会遇到你们的吧。永远珍惜身边的人,因为我们无法保证明天的醒来,还会不会见到他们。Live for today, because tomorrow is not promised.
我回答他:“我发现很多都有保持联系耶,无可否认,有些变得生疏了,关系不比从前,感觉变陌生了,毕竟还是有一段距离。但有些反而更珍惜,关系变得更密切了。生命中有无数的过客,这些人曾经来过,也走过 。但最后逗留的,往往是最想珍惜的那些人。”
能向各位前辈学习,一起同台演出,是我这一生的荣幸 :)
创作永远都不会有终点 x
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Love Somebody
"Love Somebody" by Maroon 5 reminds me of this special girl who means the world to me. We have known each other since 2009, December. We didn't really get to talk face to face until July in the following year, 2010, when we get really close to each other. We have already known each other for 4 years and it still makes me excited talking to her, being with her. It was that phone call that started a whole lot of things. We have been together for 2 years and a half and it appears that at least to me, she still loves me. I want to thank her so much for loving me and letting me love her. Love is the greatest feeling in the world, because the person will always stand up for you, no matter what happens.
Her family is the most wonderful thing I have ever known, she has three siblings, an elder sister, a younger brother and sister. They are the most cheerful people that I have ever encountered. I didn't get to know much about her family, but as far as I can remember, her family is a wonderful one.
Her family is the most wonderful thing I have ever known, she has three siblings, an elder sister, a younger brother and sister. They are the most cheerful people that I have ever encountered. I didn't get to know much about her family, but as far as I can remember, her family is a wonderful one.
She has three little cute dogs. The interesting part, though, was she somehow made me felt interested in them, although I am not naturally attracted to dogs. This drastically changed my opinion towards dogs, because I started to feel like they are a part of life, just like how much they would mean to her. I started to learn how to deal with dogs, what is it like, what does it takes to raise dogs and all those cool stuffs. I realized raising a dog is not that bad after all. I am actually impressed with how she likes dogs a lot. That just shows how compassionate she is, not animals specifically but towards others. I always wondered how it`s like to be around your favorite person. I guess I found my answer. Being around with her makes you think that time together just isn`t enough, it never was.
Another surprising fact is that she prefers lilies over roses. I guess that's what makes her so special, at least to me. This is when I first learned to make her lilies out of paper. As much as I enjoyed making them, I don`t think my lilies are as spot on as the roses I made, though I still think that roses look better than lilies in both ways.
I remembered how much she love to dance. I can feel deep down in my heart that it is essentially the most important thing in her life. She is an amazing dancer and she never stops to draw my attention every single time she dance, her movements, her breathe. She's this talented girl who's irresistibly cute and bright. That's exactly how amazing she is. It's interesting how I was in the drum club while she was in the dance club at high school. She makes coming to school fun and enjoyable. I always look forward every day, when we can see each other and start talking about almost everything. There are days where we were busy with club activities but I always look forward to the little time we spent after we are done with the club activities. We used to perform individually and never had the chance to perform together. However, on a special occasion, we had the opportunity to perform on stage for the Blooming 20th concert. This fulfilled my dream as a performer, friend, admirer, soul mate and lover. We shared many remarkable memories on stage, off stage or any places that have our footprints on it.
The little things she whispered to me, the sensitive things that she was so embarrassed to talk to anyone about, the time we shared together, the diary that we wrote to each other, they might not seem to be special to anyone but they meant so much to me. I love how she'll draw some cute little pictures in it to make it more interesting to read, I especially love her hugs and kisses. Those are ultimately the most memorable high school moment in my life. (P/s: I still think my impression of you is flawless, until the very last day I left.)
The little things she whispered to me, the sensitive things that she was so embarrassed to talk to anyone about, the time we shared together, the diary that we wrote to each other, they might not seem to be special to anyone but they meant so much to me. I love how she'll draw some cute little pictures in it to make it more interesting to read, I especially love her hugs and kisses. Those are ultimately the most memorable high school moment in my life. (P/s: I still think my impression of you is flawless, until the very last day I left.)
Unfortunately, she often experience gastric pain due to genetic inheritance. Every night I pray, just so that she could take good care of herself and her pain could be reduced as much, and so she wouldn't have to suffer from pain. Having said that, I understand that this illness can never be recovered but as long it's treated with care, it would be under control and everything can still work out normally, as long as I pray, every day. I hate myself for not being able to do anything other than staying by her side. The thought of she getting hurt hurts me so much. I wish I could do something, or even anything if that`s what it takes to see a smile on her face again.
The truth is, the more I experience life, the more I realize how important she is to me. Despite the days I'm not able to reach her, I know we are mentally connected, like nothing could ever separate us. I mean, no one has ever gotten my attention like she has.
We shared a history that made us temporary connected, we met in a way that no one else could, I know she loves me, and I hope she knows I love her more than she could ever imagine.
We shared a history that made us temporary connected, we met in a way that no one else could, I know she loves me, and I hope she knows I love her more than she could ever imagine.
After all the ups and downs and mess that we have been through, she`s still here, she`s still here right beside me. Thanks for sticking with me from the first day until now, I couldn't be more thankful. I really miss us so much. Words aren't enough to describe how much I miss you. I hope we can stay, I want us to stay.
This song reminds of the you and the beauty of love that surrounds us. I still believe, I still want to believe, even if it means hurting myself. Whenever I came across a picture of you, I`m reminded of your love and how much you have done for me. You will always remain special to me, deep in my heart, I love you.
I promise I'll be there for you, no matter what happens. For you and for love.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
为对方好 就是倾听 明白 支持 并给予祝福
站在对方的角度为对方着想 而不是为了自己的需要伤害对方
真正拥有 往往不在于自己能拥有多少 而是在于自己能放开多少
能放开多少 你的人生就会有多少快乐
放得开 是因为珍惜曾经拥有的美好
留在心里的画面 偶尔那段回忆也会很美
不管过程是痛苦或是快乐 都是一种获得
幸福 是不去追求过多的幸福而觉得不幸福
你的快乐 才是我最在乎的
如果我爱上你的笑容 要怎么收藏 要怎么拥有
但至少在你面前 我要努力让自己微笑
我不失望难过 因为我不愿看见你的难过
我不愿告诉你我的不安 因为我奢望你的幸福
现在我唯一能做的 就是尊重你的决定
站在对方的角度为对方着想 而不是为了自己的需要伤害对方
真正拥有 往往不在于自己能拥有多少 而是在于自己能放开多少
能放开多少 你的人生就会有多少快乐
放得开 是因为珍惜曾经拥有的美好
留在心里的画面 偶尔那段回忆也会很美
不管过程是痛苦或是快乐 都是一种获得
幸福 是不去追求过多的幸福而觉得不幸福
你的快乐 才是我最在乎的
如果我爱上你的笑容 要怎么收藏 要怎么拥有
但至少在你面前 我要努力让自己微笑
我不失望难过 因为我不愿看见你的难过
我不愿告诉你我的不安 因为我奢望你的幸福
现在我唯一能做的 就是尊重你的决定
(五月天 - 知足)
Monday, May 27, 2013
Why I want to be with you
And so this is the place I will stay for hours and hours recalling my memories.
Whenever I am sitting in front of my laptop, putting my thoughts into words, watching them appear word by word on my screen, I can feel that words are important in life.
It is something powerful that comes with an emotion, or maybe more? A single word might change the world. It might make someone happy, make them feel good about themselves, or vice versa. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of words in life. Without the presence of words, you will not be able to understand each other that well. Likewise, attitude, to me, is more important than the past, than failure, than circumstances, than what other people think or say or do. The remarkable thing though, is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. They can either hurt or heal, depending on how you perceive it.
This brings me to my story today.
A love story, a beautiful one.
When I think about quitting, I take a deep breath, and I
This is what I have been telling myself for the past few months. What haven't changed is every time I close my eyes, the first thing I see, is you. People always say that never give up on something you really want, it's difficult to wait, but it's more difficult to regret.
I have been spending time wondering if I should give up on you. Some said, we are still young and there is yet to experience. University's life, clubs and those spectacular stuffs. Inevitably, we might meet someone who's really awesome and they might even be a perfect match for us. I asked myself tons of times. All this time, I've been thinking about her, thinking about me, thinking how to make things work, how to make things happen.
Well actually, technically speaking, distance is a problem, at least physically. It's true that it will become so much more harder when you needed a hug or any comforting words to feel better after having a bad day. That being said, despite the fact that we are far apart, it always comes to me that I feel that you are by my side, no matter what state I'm in, happy or sad. I learn to be independent, I know you are always there for me. You make me feel this way, that sort of feeling that can't be replaced. I learn to appreciate how amazing our bond was. It is because of you I know it's worth waiting for. It is because although I know I can't be there holding you every night, it will be worth it on those nights when I can.
Every morning during spring, when the flowers start to bloom and the fragrance spreads in the direction of the wind, I'll be holding your hand, listening to the birds singing rhythmically, feeling the warm breeze blowing softly across your face. You can spread your wings and run across the lush green grass over the field if you want, and I will run to you, following your footsteps.
I always wanted to walk along the beach with you during summer. Walking barefoot along the sandy shorelines, splashing water seeing your hair gets wet.
When it comes to Fall, I want to stroll with you to the park, observe the leaves turn brown and fall to the ground, pick apples with you until the sun goes down. When the stars come out, sitting beside you, we will watch the stars until we both fall asleep.
When the streetlights lighting along the streets, the children playing in the winter snow, watching the snow together, we'll walk through the thick snow, sled down the snowy hill together with a sled, experience the most beautiful time of the year. It will be really cold out there. But don't worry, you've got me here. I will hold you tight in my arms to keep your body warm as we walk.
I used to think once we get through this, I am soooooooo gonna propose you and walk you through the doors of love.
It seems to me that people didn't trust long term relationships because they choose not to.
The distance from Canada to Malaysia is 12826.83 km, but all I have is hope.
It's amazing how there are 7 billion people in the world, and I was lucky enough to meet you. How I wish that we weren't so far apart. I'd pop out the other side on your screen and hold you tight until we fall asleep. And I would do that everyday just to look at your face. But that's alright, I was lucky enough to have had you.
I am sorry but thankful for those who have wished and constantly believe in us. Sorry for letting you down, but I still wanna express my gratitude so much and thank you for supporting. What you did in the past and what you do in the future will always stay in my heart.
Whenever I am sitting in front of my laptop, putting my thoughts into words, watching them appear word by word on my screen, I can feel that words are important in life.
It is something powerful that comes with an emotion, or maybe more? A single word might change the world. It might make someone happy, make them feel good about themselves, or vice versa. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of words in life. Without the presence of words, you will not be able to understand each other that well. Likewise, attitude, to me, is more important than the past, than failure, than circumstances, than what other people think or say or do. The remarkable thing though, is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. They can either hurt or heal, depending on how you perceive it.
This brings me to my story today.
A love story, a beautiful one.
When I think about quitting, I take a deep breath, and I
I have been spending time wondering if I should give up on you. Some said, we are still young and there is yet to experience. University's life, clubs and those spectacular stuffs. Inevitably, we might meet someone who's really awesome and they might even be a perfect match for us. I asked myself tons of times. All this time, I've been thinking about her, thinking about me, thinking how to make things work, how to make things happen.
I pray to meet you, everyday.
Well actually, technically speaking, distance is a problem, at least physically. It's true that it will become so much more harder when you needed a hug or any comforting words to feel better after having a bad day. That being said, despite the fact that we are far apart, it always comes to me that I feel that you are by my side, no matter what state I'm in, happy or sad. I learn to be independent, I know you are always there for me. You make me feel this way, that sort of feeling that can't be replaced. I learn to appreciate how amazing our bond was. It is because of you I know it's worth waiting for. It is because although I know I can't be there holding you every night, it will be worth it on those nights when I can.
Badly, actually.
I always wanted to walk along the beach with you during summer. Walking barefoot along the sandy shorelines, splashing water seeing your hair gets wet.
When it comes to Fall, I want to stroll with you to the park, observe the leaves turn brown and fall to the ground, pick apples with you until the sun goes down. When the stars come out, sitting beside you, we will watch the stars until we both fall asleep.
When the streetlights lighting along the streets, the children playing in the winter snow, watching the snow together, we'll walk through the thick snow, sled down the snowy hill together with a sled, experience the most beautiful time of the year. It will be really cold out there. But don't worry, you've got me here. I will hold you tight in my arms to keep your body warm as we walk.
I used to think once we get through this, I am soooooooo gonna propose you and walk you through the doors of love.
It seems to me that people didn't trust long term relationships because they choose not to.
The distance from Canada to Malaysia is 12826.83 km, but all I have is hope.
It's amazing how there are 7 billion people in the world, and I was lucky enough to meet you. How I wish that we weren't so far apart. I'd pop out the other side on your screen and hold you tight until we fall asleep. And I would do that everyday just to look at your face. But that's alright, I was lucky enough to have had you.
I am sorry but thankful for those who have wished and constantly believe in us. Sorry for letting you down, but I still wanna express my gratitude so much and thank you for supporting. What you did in the past and what you do in the future will always stay in my heart.
I guess if I love you, I should let you move on.
We have made this far,
I will treasure the intimacy between us in my heart,
thank you.
Nevertheless, I truly hope to see those who are in a long distance relationship can overcome this barrier and show that nothing matters when there's love because where there is love, there is hope. And I pray.
If you really love someone, let them go.
If they stay away then they were never yours to begin with.
If they come back then they are yours to keep.
我们都是一边珍惜着过往 一边努力的奔向未来
We have our days and we're in it, ALONE. Many times, without any bed-warmers or space-fillers. All I have to say is stay strong and don't stop believing. You'll never know what will happen until the very end.
(Just give me a reason - P!nk)
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